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Is Online Therapy for Me?

How do I know if Online Therapy will work for me?

There is little difference between online therapy and in-person therapy. Studies show that counselling online is as effective as counselling in-person and provides some distinct benefits to those who can't leave the house, or relax and feel safe in novel environments. Online counselling is obviously more convenient/flexible for clients who lead busy lifestyles, have fatigue or other impairments with their health. 


This study talks about the efficacy of online therapy and investigates the pros and cons of online and in-person therapy:

In this above study they conclude : "This resource has shown similar effectiveness to traditional treatments and even greater clinical efficacy in some cases. Internet-based psychological treatment has had a broader development, although it has been particularly applied to anxiety and depression problems."

Here is another study that states: "Telepsychotherapy treatment was delivered to 70 trauma exposed youth in 7 underserved communities. Of these, 88.6% completed a full course of TF-CBT and 96.8% of these treatment completers no longer met diagnostic criteria for a trauma-related disorder at post treatment. Results demonstrated clinically meaningful symptom change post treatment, with large effect sizes evident for both youth and caregiver-reported reduction in posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms."



However, online therapy is not for everyone, and here are some ways to tell if it is for you:

  • If you do not have a quiet or private place to take a session you might prefer meeting in person (i.e., some of my clients will use their car and drive to a parking lot or rural area)

  • Some people feel they only can connect with someone in person, and not virtually


Choosing in-person or online therapy, really comes down to preference.

Please contact me to discuss whether or not online therapy might be right for you. 

Let’s Work Together

Kingston, ON, Canada

Tel: 343-308-0259 

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